27. A mad man of Chu state—Jie Yu
The painting is about Jie Yu, a mad man of Chu state. In the 32nd year of King Jing of Zhou Dynasty; i.e. the 7th year of Duke Ai of Lu; 488 B.C. Kong Zi was 64 years old when Chu King Zhao passed away and succeeded by King Hui. Confucius stayed to wait for a possible arrangement. Senior Minister Zi-xi was still in power. Confucius just got stuck in this awkward situation. Jie Yu, a recluse in Chu pretended to be mad sang as he passed Confucius’s carriage, implying the Chu state situation in the lyric. The lyric says: “Oh! Phoenix! Phoenix! Why don’t you show in prosperity? What happens to thy appearance in chaos against your good nature? Let bygones be bygones. But the future may still be provided against. Alas! Forget the vain pursuit! Forget the vain pursuit! Peril awaits those who now engage in politics. ” He wanted to tell Confucius about the troublous time had little chance to turn around. It was better for him to get away from troubles soon. Confucius heard and knew that the mad man was a man of superior attainment. He alighted and wished to converse with him, but Jie Yu hastened away, so that Confucius couldn’t talk to him. In the painting, Jie Yu is depicted as a bare-foot wanderer dressed in patched old filthy clothes, a bamboo walking stick and a bottle gourd who lives in an underdog situation singing. He tried to avoid meeting with Confucius and disciples while Confucius raised his right arm earnestly waves him to stop for a moment that he wanted to talk to him. Jie Yu ignored him as that he hasn’t heard a thing, and continued to walk on his own way. “The Genealogy of Confucius” in The Records of the Grand Historian stated Confucius left Chu for Wei because of this event.
この楚狂接輿図は、即ち周敬王三十二年、魯哀公七年、紀元前四八八年、孔子六十四歳の時です。歴史背景は楚昭王が亡くなり、孔子たちは後任君主恵王の手配を待っていました。この時の子西は依然執政大夫で、孔子はこの進退が困難な中、楚国には接輿という狂人の振りをする隠者がいて、故意に歌を歌いながら、孔子の車の前を通り過ぎました。歌詞は「鳳、鳳、お前はどうして、この世に現れないのだ。乱世の中に現れるのか?過去のことは挽回できない、未来のことはまだ把握できない、やめよう。やめよう。今政治に携わることは非常に危険だ」 孔子に勧めても世事の混乱は回復が難しい。隠遁から早く帰ってきてくれ」というものです。孔子はそれを聞いて、この狂人は優れた人であることを知り、車を降りて話し合おうとしましたが、彼は急いで立ち去り、孔子は話し合うことができませんでした。