此幅職司委吏圖 ,乃周景王十三年,魯昭公十年,公元前五三二年,孔子二十歲時,由南宮敬叔的推薦,得到魯國權貴孟僖子的委派,出任委吏之職,就是管理倉庫的糧食與財務的出納,畫中端坐几席之上頭戴官帽的年輕人就是孔子,手上的竹簡是收租或收購米糧的帳冊。
The painting is about Confucius as granary-keeper. In the 13rd year of King Jing of Zhou Dynasty; i.e. the 10th year of Duke Zhao of Lu; 532 B.C. Kong Zi was 20 years old. Confucius was recommended by Nangong Jing-shu to become the wei-li for the powerful viscount Xi-zi of the Meng family. Wei-li was in fact granary-keeper, book-keeper and cashier at the same time. In the painting, Confucius is the young man who sits on the raised platform wearing an official hat, with bamboo strips bookkept the records of the granary transactions—purchases and sales of grains. It recorded land tax collected, the purchases of excess grains produced in good harvest by the government to prevent the market price of grains to plummet and the sales of government stored grains to prevent market price to rocket in bad year when harvest yield was low. This is to prevent price fluctuations in people daily necessities, to moderate the difference between supply and demand and to stabilize market price by administrative policy. Confucius was appointed bookkeeper of land tax collected and buyer of staples. Even though it was a petit position, Confucius tried his best to be fair and reasonable in doing his job. The withered branches of willows and maple leaves depicted an autumn scene. A servant is waiting on Confucius, both of them overseeing the farmers transporting the grains to be weighed, measured and recorded correctly; which were then packed and transported into the government granary by the coolies. The painting depicted what a responsible person Confucius is, to be serious, reliable and respectable subordinate to his superiors, and a trustful person for the farmers. He accomplished his job with honor, and is the first step to reveal his great capacities and talents to be a statesman.
この職司委吏図は、即ち周景王十三年、魯昭公十年、紀元前五三二年のことです。孔子は二十歳の時、南宮 敬叔の推薦により、魯国の権力者孟僖子の任命を得て、委吏の職に就きました。これは倉庫の糧食と財務の出納を管理する職で、絵の中で机に座り、役人の冠をかぶっている若者が孔子です。手に持っている竹簡は、税収或いは米糧購入の帳簿です。