孔子聖蹟圖 (一)尼山致禱第2課







1. Prays at the Ni Hill
The painting is about the Ni Hill prayer. In the 20th year of King Ling of Zhou Dynasty; i.e. the 21st year of Duke Xiang of Lu; 552 B.C. Confucius’s father Shúliáng He, an official of the town of Zou, married Yan Zheng-zai, the third daughter Yan Xiang. Wishing to have a son to carry on the family name, Yan Zheng-zai accompanied by the maids and gave her prayer at the Niqiu Hill. It is an early spring scene, with plum blossoms blooming all over. The painter created a fairyland outlook to the Niqiu Hill Confucius’s mother Yan Zheng-zai is formally dressed and accompanied by two chamber maids. When they arrived at the Niqiu Hill, the weather is good and skies are blue, beautiful spring has returned and the earth comes alive after winter resuming its loveliness. Confucius’s mother looked very solemn. She takes it seriously about prayer to the God of Mountains, hoping early fulfillment of her wish for a son, to preserve the virtuous name of the family. Kong Zi was born the following year. There was a noticeable convolution on his head at his birth, looked like a reverse gable roof and the shape of the Niqiu Hill. That is why he was given the name “Qiu.” His courtesy name was “zhongni.” Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons states: If a person has accumulated enough merits and virtues for a hundred generations, then he or she will have descendants to last a hundred generations. One who accumulates enough merits and virtues to last ten generations will then have ten generations of descendants to live out that fortune. Confucius was entitled the most accomplished sage of Chinese culture. He indefatigably devoted himself to education, taught people of all ranks without discrimination, so as to pass the essence of Chinese culture on and on. We can see that Confucius is highly respected and has so many generations of descendants to live out of his fortune. The late Professor Kung Teh-cheng was the 77th lineal descendant of Confucius. His grandson Kung Chui-chang is currently the 79th lineal descendant, and Kung Yu-ren is the 80th lineal descendant of Confucius. 



この尼山致祷図の歴史背景は、周霊王二十年、魯襄公二十一年、紀元前五五二年のことです。孔子の父親の叔梁 紇は陬邑大夫に任じられていて、顔 襄の三女顔 徴在を娶りました。結婚後、子供を得て子々孫々へと受け継ぎたいと願い、顔 徴在は侍女を伴って、尼丘山に出向いて祈りました。
この絵は、冬が去り、春がやってきて、梅の花が満開の光景です。画家は尼丘山を、神仙が住む所のように、美しく荘厳に描いています。孔子の母親の顔 徴在は華やかに着飾り、二人の侍女を従えて、尼丘山にやって来ました。この時、天気は晴朗で、春暖かく花が咲き、大地は吉祥を呈しています。聖母顔 徴在の容貌は厳かで、厳粛な表情で大地にひざまずきながら、線香の火を絶やすことなく、早く子供が授かるようにと、山の神に敬虔に祈っています。そして祖先の徳を得て、二年目に孔子が生まれました。
孔子が生まれた時に、頭のてっぺんは四方が高く真ん中が低い、堤防に囲まれたような形で、尼丘山に似ていたことから、名を丘、字を仲尼と名付けられました。四訓には、『有百世之徳者、定有百世子孫保之、有十世之徳者、定有十世子孫保之 (百世の徳あれば、必ず百世の子孫が保たれる。十世の徳があれば、必ず十世の子孫が保たれる)』と書かれています。孔子は中華文化を集大成にした人で、全ての人が教育を受けることができるようにして、天下の英才を育て中華文化を代々途切れることなく、受け継がせてきました。ですから、孔子の子孫も後代途切れることなく続いていて、世の人々から深く敬慕を受けています。孔 徳成さんはすでに七十七代目で、現在の孔 垂長さんは七十九代目、孔 佑仁さんは八十代目です。
