孔子聖蹟圖 (十四)禮墮三都第15課






14. Levels the walls of the three families’ city-strongholds 
The painting is about leveling the walls of the 3 cities. In the 23rd year of King Jing of Zhou Dynasty; i.e. the 13th year of Duke Ding of Lu; 497 B.C. Kong Zi was 55 years old. Gongshan Fu-rao is official of Ji family. Gongshan led uprising in Fei city. Shusun family’s official Hou-fan occupied Hou city and revolted. After the revolts suppressed, Confucius suggested Duke Ding to observe the laws of the state that officials were not allowed to keep weapons, and ministers were not allowed to have city wall larger than 100 zi in area. A zi is an area unit of 3.3 x 9.9 sq. m. The three families in control of Lu state administration have violated the law and should be corrected to prevent them from overpowering the state authority. In order to substantiate the rule of propriety, the three ministers have to level city walls as laws required, to trim down their power while strengthening the central Lu state. Duke Ding approved the plan and the city walls of Hou and Fei of the Shu-sun and Ji families leveled. The almost completed plan was viced by Gonglian Chu-fu, the official of the Meng-sun family who refused to level the walls of the Cheng city as it was Lu’s barrier to Qi state in the North. Gonglian convinced Meng Yi Zi that without the stronghold of Cheng city, the fate of Meng-sun family would face perils. His argument worked, and Meng-sun aborted Confucius plan that might come within a hair of succeeding. The walls of Cheng city remained there. As long as the three noble families have their eyes only on self-interest, the advocate of a strong Lu state with an effective administration would be the last thing to be considered. In the painting, Duke Ding of Lu state is the one who is sitting on the raised platform. By his sides are two servants and state ministers. The screen was drawn to fit in as the background. Duke Ding gave order to Confucius. Confucius implemented the order to level city walls; following came the soldiers and chariots. Kong Zi accompanied the Duke of Lu, directing the armies to level down walls of the three cities. Under the command of Kong Zi, in the painting, the war horses are in high spirit while the soldiers are full of courage. 


